 Blesbok and Bontebok
 Buffalo (Asian/Cape)
 Dik-Dik, Suni
 Duiker (Yellow Black)
 Eland (Comon)
 Eland (Lords Derby)
 Forest Hog
 Gazelle (Grant's and Thompson's)
​ Gemsbok
 Gnu or Wildebeest
 Honey Badger
 Kudu (Greater)
 Kudu (Lesser)
 Lechwee and Kob

P. O. R. 
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    African Game              Shoulder           Lifesize              Euro

                           1/2 Life Size Aoudad With Custom Base$2700.00 

All custom base work done with client's ideas and input. 

1/2 life size are 70% of life size Mounts


 Axis Deer
 Fallow Deer
 Sika Deer
 Black Buck
 Red Stag
 Mouflon, Corsican, Texas Dall
 Oryx, Scimitar 
 Nilgai (Blue Bell)
 Four-Horned Ram
 Catalina, Ibex type Goat


    Exotic Game              Shoulder           Lifesize              Euro

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​ $115.00 
​ $350.00 
​ $350.00 
​ $150.00 
​ $500.00 
​ $250.00 
​ $300.00 

    Native Game              Shoulder           Lifesize              Euro

​ Mule Deer
​ Bugling Elk
 ​Boar (Open Mouth)
​ Boar (Closed Mouth)
​ Javalina (Open Mouth)
 Fox (Red, Grey, and Arctic)
 ​Bear (Black)
 Bear (Brown)
 ​Mountain Goat
 Long Horn/Watusi
 Prong Horn
​ Moose
​ Caribou
 Buffalo (Size Matters) 
​ Big Horn Sheep
 Mountain Lion/Cougar

​ $698.00 


*** New Pricing for 2017/2018 ***

Price List

P. O. R. 
P. O. R. 

Animal Artistry Of Texas LLC.

602 FM 1516N Converse, TX 78109


(Must contact 2 hours before after hour/weekend drop off/pick up)